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By Matthew Stelzner

  • Resources for Learning Astrology

    The process of learning astrology is unique to each person, and the best advice is to follow your own guidance. I think it is essential that each student of astrology begin wherever he or she is most excited...

By Richard Tarnas

  • An Introduction to Archetypal Astrological Analysis

    The basic principle of astrology is that the planets have a fundamental, cosmically based connection to specific archetypal forces or principles which influence human existence, and that the patterns formed by the planets in the heavens bear a meaningful correspondence to the patterns of human affairs on the Earth...
  • Planets and Archetypes

    The concept of planetary archetypes, in many respects the pivotal concept of the emerging astrological paradigm, is complex and must be approached from several directions. Before describing the nature of the association between planets and archetypes, however, we must first address the concept of archetypes more generally, and the remarkable evolution of the archetypal perspective in the history of Western thought....
  • Notes on World Trade Center Attack - September 11, 2001

    These notes are a summary of a lecture I gave in my Psyche and Cosmos graduate seminar on September 18, 2001. What follows here really are just headlines, but I hope you can glean something of the basic archetypal background of this historically momentous drama we now find ourselves in...
  • The Uranus-Neptune Cycle

    The Uranus-Neptune combination is associated, both in history and in personal biographies, with periods in which the archetypal--the mythic, the spiritual, the transcendent, the imaginal, the numinous--is suddenly awakened and liberated in new ways into human consciousness...